Chocolate Description: Canadien

HopHeadSaid: Finally a milk chocolate that pairs perfectly with beer. AND. Finally, a milk chocolate that will will keep dark chocolate fans coming back for more. Well done Jean-Michel!
Beer Style and Description:

*A session beer is beer geek terminology for beer that is low in alcohol and can be enjoyed in quantity.
I first had this beer at Stone's World Bistro and Gardens in Escondido, CA. World Bistro and Gardens is a beer geek's Mecca and if you can't get there in person (which you really should do) go there virtually [HERE].
Aromoa: Lots of citrus floral hop aroma with some sweet malt aromas hiding under the hops.
Appearance: Pours beautiful dark amber with red highlights and a frothy light-tan head.
Flavor: Crisp hop flavor and bitterness as well as carbonation are the first things you will notice but they give way quickly to a subtle caramel-like malt sweetness.
Food Pairings: Cheese: sharp (blue, Cheddar), Meet: beef, poultry, seafood, Dessert: salted caramels.
HopHeadSaid: American amber ales are great transitional beers for people moving from maltier beers (Browns or Belgians) to hoppier beers (American Pale ales or IPA’s) as they are usually well balanced but contain lots of hop aromas and hop flavors.
BJCP Style 10B. American Amber Ale
Other Examples: Fat Tire Amber Ale, Stone Levitation Ale, Green Flash Hop Head Red Ale
Serving Temp: 40°- 45°
Glassware: Pint Glass, Mug
Aroma: Moderate hop aroma, generally citrusy, sometimes with a pronounced caramel malty sweetness.
Appearance: Brilliant clarity, unless dry-hopped, amber to copper with off-white head.
Flavor: Malt flavors can be moderate to strong with a caramel sweetness with an assertive hop flavor and bitterness to balance the beer.
Mouthfeel: Medium to full body with elevated carbonation
This pairing works because:
1. The maple flavor creates a buffer where the malt sweetness and the milk chocolate can meld together without clashing and helps to create two separate but harmonious layers of sweetness.2. The pecans bring a subtle nutty flavor to the pairing that supplement the caramel malt sweetness and create a brand new layer deliciousness.
3. The caramel and ganache coat the palate and momentarily subdue the hop flavor and bitterness so the sweet caramel-like flavors can shine through.
4. Carbonation helps to cleanse the chocolate and the ganache off the palate so the beer and the chocolate can mix together right before you swallow.
Topics: Food Pairing, Beer Pairing, Chocolate Pairing, Beer and Food, Beer and Chocolate