In the last couple of years, I have come to love pilsners. Oh, don't get me wrong, nothing will ever replace my beloved DIPA but when I want a beer that is crisp and refreshing that won't impair my driving abilities, Pilsner hits the spot!
Style Profile:
Bolded beers are my personal recommendations.
German Pilsner (Pils)
German Pilsners pour light yellow and crystal clear while the all malt recipe produces a long lasting white head. Pilsners have a medium-light body and dry finish. They are crisp and bitter with a pronounced noble hop -herbal or spicy- aroma and flavor. The low matiness, dry finish and medium to high carbonation accentuate the perceived bitterness of these beers. The German Pilsner is lighter in body and color than the other two Pilsner subcategories.
Information courtesy http://www.bjcp.org
Vital Statistics: OG: 1.044 – 1.050
IBUs: 25 – 45 FG: 1.008 – 1.013
SRM: 2 – 5 ABV: 4.4 – 5.2%
Commercial Examples: Victory Prima Pils, Bitburger, Warsteiner, Trumer Pils, Old Dominion Tupper’s Hop Pocket Pils, König Pilsener, Jever Pils, Left Hand Polestar Pilsner, Holsten Pils, Spaten Pils, Brooklyn Pilsner
Bohemian Pilsner
Bohemian Pilsners are for people who would like a more pronounced pilsner malt taste yet crave the crisp balance of the noble hop spiciness. The hop flavor and bitterness is present only to balance the perceived maltiness that is accentuated by the medium body and carbonation. The medium to medium-full body and lower carbonation levels allow the sweet malt to coat your mouth before they are cleaned away by the lazy carbonation and spicy noble hops. This beer should still pour crystal clear and have a long lasting white head.
Information courtesy http://www.bjcp.org
Vital Statistics: OG: 1.044 – 1.056
IBUs: 35 – 45 FG: 1.013 – 1.017
SRM: 3.5 – 6 ABV: 4.2 – 5.4%
Commercial Examples: Pilsner Urquell, Krušovice Imperial 12°, Budweiser Budvar (Czechvar in the US), Czech Rebel, Staropramen, Gambrinus Pilsner, Zlaty Bazant Golden Pheasant, Dock Street Bohemian Pilsner
Classic American Pilsner
Unfortunately, this version of pilsner has a big hole to climb out of. It was originally brewed by German immigrants was nearly wiped out by prohibition. After prohibition this style started to incorporate adjuncts like corn or rice to lighten the body and decrease the cost of production. This led to the “watering down” of this style. It has, however, made a comeback with the increase of craft breweries and brewpubs so be sure to try one next time you see it on tap.
These pilsners will have a sweet, grainy maltiness or sometimes a corn-like sweetness, if corn was used. They will have a moderately high hop aroma with no fruity esters. American Pilsners are moderately hopped with noble-like hops that produce a smooth bitterness but not a harsh aftertaste. Generally they will pour crystal clear with a deep gold color and lasting white head.
Information courtesy http://www.bjcp.org
Vital Statistics: OG: 1.044 – 1.060
IBUs: 25 – 40 FG: 1.010 – 1.015
SRM: 3 – 6 ABV: 4.5 – 6%
Commercial Examples: Occasional brewpub and microbrewery specials
Bolded beers are my personal recommendations.
German Pilsner (Pils)
German Pilsners pour light yellow and crystal clear while the all malt recipe produces a long lasting white head. Pilsners have a medium-light body and dry finish. They are crisp and bitter with a pronounced noble hop -herbal or spicy- aroma and flavor. The low matiness, dry finish and medium to high carbonation accentuate the perceived bitterness of these beers. The German Pilsner is lighter in body and color than the other two Pilsner subcategories.
Information courtesy http://www.bjcp.org
Vital Statistics: OG: 1.044 – 1.050
IBUs: 25 – 45 FG: 1.008 – 1.013
SRM: 2 – 5 ABV: 4.4 – 5.2%
Commercial Examples: Victory Prima Pils, Bitburger, Warsteiner, Trumer Pils, Old Dominion Tupper’s Hop Pocket Pils, König Pilsener, Jever Pils, Left Hand Polestar Pilsner, Holsten Pils, Spaten Pils, Brooklyn Pilsner
Bohemian Pilsner
Bohemian Pilsners are for people who would like a more pronounced pilsner malt taste yet crave the crisp balance of the noble hop spiciness. The hop flavor and bitterness is present only to balance the perceived maltiness that is accentuated by the medium body and carbonation. The medium to medium-full body and lower carbonation levels allow the sweet malt to coat your mouth before they are cleaned away by the lazy carbonation and spicy noble hops. This beer should still pour crystal clear and have a long lasting white head.
Information courtesy http://www.bjcp.org
Vital Statistics: OG: 1.044 – 1.056
IBUs: 35 – 45 FG: 1.013 – 1.017
SRM: 3.5 – 6 ABV: 4.2 – 5.4%
Commercial Examples: Pilsner Urquell, Krušovice Imperial 12°, Budweiser Budvar (Czechvar in the US), Czech Rebel, Staropramen, Gambrinus Pilsner, Zlaty Bazant Golden Pheasant, Dock Street Bohemian Pilsner
Classic American Pilsner
Unfortunately, this version of pilsner has a big hole to climb out of. It was originally brewed by German immigrants was nearly wiped out by prohibition. After prohibition this style started to incorporate adjuncts like corn or rice to lighten the body and decrease the cost of production. This led to the “watering down” of this style. It has, however, made a comeback with the increase of craft breweries and brewpubs so be sure to try one next time you see it on tap.
These pilsners will have a sweet, grainy maltiness or sometimes a corn-like sweetness, if corn was used. They will have a moderately high hop aroma with no fruity esters. American Pilsners are moderately hopped with noble-like hops that produce a smooth bitterness but not a harsh aftertaste. Generally they will pour crystal clear with a deep gold color and lasting white head.
Information courtesy http://www.bjcp.org
Vital Statistics: OG: 1.044 – 1.060
IBUs: 25 – 40 FG: 1.010 – 1.015
SRM: 3 – 6 ABV: 4.5 – 6%
Commercial Examples: Occasional brewpub and microbrewery specials
Written/Produced/Edited by Curtis Taylor
Graphic Design and Illustrations by Curtis Taylor
Pond5.com purchases:
Video Fx
Old Film Leader Black and White by CredibleFX
8mm film damage - vignette by DanielChristel
Pouring beer into a glass by illychThirsty farmer drinking beer by DVretroklips
Audio FX
Black Keys Rock And Roll by sweetwaveaudio
Public Domain
Video 1931 "Frankenstein" - Digging Graves
Barley Harvest
Written/Produced/Edited by Curtis Taylor
Graphic Design and Illustrations by Curtis Taylor
Pond5.com purchases:
Video Fx
Old Film Leader Black and White by CredibleFX
8mm film damage - vignette by DanielChristel
Pouring beer into a glass by illychThirsty farmer drinking beer by DVretroklips
Audio FX
Black Keys Rock And Roll by sweetwaveaudio
Public Domain
Video 1931 "Frankenstein" - Digging Graves
Barley Harvest