HopHeads are already picking winners this week with a correct prediction for the Thursday night game.
Lets see what the rest of the week has in store for us... Oh, It looks like Fat Bottom and their pinup girls will be showing Flying Bison more than just their high heels!
Lets see what the rest of the week has in store for us... Oh, It looks like Fat Bottom and their pinup girls will be showing Flying Bison more than just their high heels!

Brooklyn Brewery continues its streak by up ending divisional rival 3 Stars Brewing Co. Crescent City looks to turn its debut into a win against Tampa Bay Brewing Co.

Deep Ellum remains strong this week as it travels east to take down Kind Beers.
This is the closest game of the week and I have to think it is probably going to go the other way with all the injuries that Heavy Seas will have to work around.
This is the closest game of the week and I have to think it is probably going to go the other way with all the injuries that Heavy Seas will have to work around.

Great Lakes Brewing Co. continues to dominate and will be cellaring Brugge Brasserie and their sour beers.
Schlafly will be challenged this week for sure; did you see how Hinterland Brewing dominated last week?
Schlafly will be challenged this week for sure; did you see how Hinterland Brewing dominated last week?

Surly Brewing is looking to go undefeated and if this poll has any predictive qualities, they will.
Can Brooklyn be beat? When they are playing for the Jets, maybe so, but I wouldn't bet against them this week.
Can Brooklyn be beat? When they are playing for the Jets, maybe so, but I wouldn't bet against them this week.

Pacific Coast Brewing Co is celebrating 24 years of brewing this week and so they have a lot of energy. Look for them to beat Intuition Ale Works, unless they show up hungover!
East End Brewing Co. has been struggling lately and it looks like they will get their End handed to them, again, by Rivertown Brewing Co.
East End Brewing Co. has been struggling lately and it looks like they will get their End handed to them, again, by Rivertown Brewing Co.

And in the last game of this week it looks like The Windy City giant, Goose Island Beer Company is gonna blow Motor City Brewing Works outta town. In their well made American automobiles, of course.