Other Examples: Westvleteren 12, Rochefort 10, Chimay Grande Reserve
Serving Temp: 50°- 55°
Glassware: Snifter, Tulip, Chalice, Goblet
Aroma: Rich malt sweetness reminiscent of caramel and toast with a mild to moderate yeast derived spiciness.
Appearance: Deep amber to brown with a frothy, light tan head.
Flavor: Malt sweetness (caramel) and dark fruit will dominate while the yeast spice and alcohol help balance the beer.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied beer. However, the high carbonation, the spiciness and the alcohol warmth help thin your perception the body.
Food Pairings: Cheese: buttery or sharp. Meat: grilled, smoked. Dessert: dark fruits, chocolate.
HopHeadSaid: These beers, sometimes called Quadrupels (yes that is spelled right), are perfect for desert but also pair well with dark fruits or chocolates. These are also great beers for your wine friends because there is very little bitterness (common among BIG Belgian beers) and many layers of complexity; from dark fruit to caramel or wood flavors from the casks to peppery spiciness from the yeast.