Examples: Gambrinus Pilsner, Pilsner Urquell
Serving Temp: 35°- 40°
Glassware: Flute, Pilsner, Seidel, Stange or Stein
Aroma: Complex spicy hop aromas, very little malt flavor, no fruity esters or diacetyl.
Appearance: Light to deep gold, crystal clear with a white head.
Flavor: Crisp with a pronounced bitterness and a complex malt profile that softens the hop bitterness.
Mouthfeel: Medium-light body accentuated by softer water, decoction mash, and lower carbonation level
Food Pairings: Cuisine: Spicy Indian or Thai curries. Cheeses: sharp(blue, cheddar ).
HopHeadSaid: My favorite of the pilsner subcategories. These beers are well balanced and complex if you take the time to dissect them OR they can be the perfect lawnmower beer; flavorful and thirst quenching.
Bohemian Pilsners are for people who would like a more pronounced pilsner malt taste yet crave the crisp balance of the noble hops. The hop flavor and bitterness is present only to balance the perceived maltiness that is accentuated by the medium body and carbonation. The medium to medium-full body and lower carbonation levels allow the sweet malt to coat your mouth before they are cleaned away by the lazy carbonation and spicy noble hops. This beer should still pour crystal clear and have a long lasting white head.