This is a repeat appearance for Great Divide and I couldn't be happier. They have a fantastic line of delicious beers and some great #beerpairing suggestions.
Click the GDBC logo to see some of the beer pairings from last season.

(@BigRipBeer @kcchiefs)
This is the first appearance in the HopHeadHuddle for Big Rip. They are a new brewery to KC and I am looking forward to learning more about their beers as the season progresses.
Click the BRBC logo to visit their website.

This is a repeat appearnce for Pacific Coast Brewing Co. They were big supporters of this feature last year, and I am looking forward to adding more PCBC info as the season progresses.
Click the PCBC logo to visit their website.

(@BPbrewing @chargers)
This is the first appearance for Ballast Point in the 'Huddle. I am a big fan of their beers and I know that as the season progresses I will have lots of beer pairing suggestions for your.
Click the BP logo to visit their website.