This was an ultra light recoding session. Just two mics and a camera phone.
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![]() Joby and I are back behind the mics together after a break that included a scheduled off week, family obligations and a root canal. That is a lot to cover and recover from but we get it done in style with a flight of beers from The Bruery. This was an ultra light recoding session. Just two mics and a camera phone.
![]() This show is dedicated to responsible drinking and we discuss ways to calculate your blood alcohol content (BAC) as well as how to get home if have had too much to drink. Jason Hendrik from Everybody's Hungry, sits in for an absent Joby and Isreal and Laura Martinez, owners of We're Driving are our special guests and explain their unique DD service. Jason and I take breathalyzers throughout the show just to illustrate how having 4 beers in two hours can affect you. To top off the show we have Anastasia, from Tarts N' Crafts, during the post show to talk about beer and desserts!
April 2020