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The last installment of in the 2013 beer pairing advent series is the 1953 classic Santa Babay.
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Today's advent surprise finally gives us an alternative to dipping your cookies in milk! Click here for more beer pairing advent entries.
We are getting towards the end of this year's advent calendar and I'm starting to feel a little blue as I realize there are only a few more days of this goodness left. Click here for more beer pairing advent entries. I promise I won't dwell on the whole being blue thing after this sentence because the beer I have paired with this will make everyone happy. Isolation Ale from Odell Brewing Company is malty for all the malty beer folks, no spices were used in the brewing for the "I'm-so-tired-of-spiced-beer" folks and enough hops to clean everything out for all us hopheads. At 6% a couple of these will certainly warm you from the inside out! Today's advent surprise is the popular English Christmas dessert and one of the only verses a group of second graders can sing together, in time... Figgy Pudding. Click here for more beer pairing advent entries.
If you are a Christmas Carol purist or if you get offended easily OR you think festively plump kids being zapped with a cattle prod is wrong then I suggest you don't read today's Advent entry. Click here for more beer pairing advent entries.
Today's beer pairing Advent brings you the classic of Christmas classics, A Christmas Story - the Grinch doesn't even get a 24 hour screening. Click here for more beer pairing advent entries.
All the beer geeks in town liked Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced beers, AKA BJCP sub-category 21B, a lot. But the Grinch (bu, buh, bum) who was drinking rice-laden macro swill, did not. The Grinch hated this season, the whole winter specialty spiced beer season. Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason. It coulda been that pumpkin pie spiced latte cream ale, Or maybe it was that vanilla extract laden American light lager, Both of which, coated his palate and tasted kinda stale. But I think the most likely reason of all, May have been that his only experience with Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced beers, was a $4 six-pack masquerading as craft beer. That's all. Click here for more beer pairing advent entries.
Today's advent surprise is fruit cake! You know, that 5 pound loaf full of nuts and dried fruit that sits alone, on the counter for several months, just begging to be put out of its rejected misery. Click here for more beer pairing advent entries.
Whether it's the song or the stop animation TV special, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is a classic. Click here for more beer pairing advent entries.
Part gingerbread cookie, part cake, sometimes with jelly and coated with dark chocolate, lebkuchen is always good. My kids are developing a palate for them but they especially like the decorative from which they're served. If you haven't seen them you need to click the link below. Click here for more beer pairing advent entries.
May 2018