Until this morning, I was going to highlight this coaster with a bunch of others that fell into the category "This beer is so bad I won't even use this coaster". Then I read the paragraph at the bottom. This is one of more unique coasters I have come across and probably should have been featured in my [unusual coaster shape] post. But after reading the game instructions I really couldn't believe what I was reading. It seems they are attempting to create a new game of quarters, something I'm not sure that is really needed. But what I find most ironic is that this new drinking game (and let's be clear, it is a drinking they are pushing) carries a "Drink Responsibly" logo!
Recently, I went through my coaster collection and pulled out my favorite uniquely shaped coasters. ![]() Perfect coaster for sharing two flutes of Kriek. ![]() One of the more intricate coaster designs I have seen. I love it when companies opt for the more expensive great design. This could have easily been a regular round coaster but that wasn't good enough for New Belgium. I love New Belgium and if you ever get to Fort Collins, CO you have to take their tour. The brewery is a great example for being as green as you can be. Besides using wind power, they even capture methane from their waste water to help power the brewery. My favorite NB beer is La Folie ![]() I just liked the unique shape of this coaster. The only info I can find about Tuborg is that it is a pale lager. Not sure if I would enjoy the beer as much as I do the coaster but apparently it is a hallucinogen ... see commercial bellow. ![]() Not only is it a unique shape but it looks like a wax seal. Great coaster and great beer. Be sure to watch the video below. It is incredible. ![]() I can't find any info about the beer, however, I can find info about a bar in Belgium by the same name. This may be a contract brew for them. On the plus side, I will always try a new Belgian beer especially an amber. ![]() I have several De Koninck coasters that have the same cut-out design. I especially like this one because of the beer drinking zombies! You can read more about this label in a previous post [HERE] ![]() As of late, I have been devouring zombie movies so this coaster caught my eye right away. Except for the jester fella (which, lets face it is pretty scary in its own right) the rest seem to be well on their way to becoming zombies. But, as this coaster illustrates, even one legged, losing my other leg, needing a crutch to keep me from falling zombies like good beer! Straying from the topic of beer just a bit, I am always looking for a good zombie movie. Let me know about your favorite Z-movie. Mine happens to be "Shaun of the Dead", which is arguably more about beer than zombies, and "Aaah! Zombies!!" a movie shot from the zombies point of view. ![]() Literally translated as "My home is where my Stella Artois is" I just like the simplicity of the design but I can tell my OCD would be working overtime making sure my glass lined up perfectly with the outline. ![]() Now this Stella coaster is just plain disturbing. The goggle translation is even more disturbing. Ball of the dead rat. If you can shed some light on this folklore or the meaning behind it, please do! Litteral translation:
mien huge leeftijd? My old age? Dagelijks: daily een: do Koninckske: honorary title My best guest is the old guy is asking "How did I live so long?" "You should drink a De Koninck everyday and if you do they will call you Koninckske!" Who is Jacob Jordaens and why is he on a cheeky beer coaster? ![]() Turns out he was a pretty talented Flemish painter and evidentially the only way to celebrate him is "smaakvol met..." (with tasty) De Koninck. While I am sure Jacob would have enjoyed De Koninck beer I wonder what he would think about the illustrations. It was the perfect combination of innuendo and illustration! Congratulations to the winner, Sean, your schwag is in the mail! A long-neck is ALWAYS better than a stubby!
I love these coasters, and while they are not a set or even beer coasters they seemed to make a great story together. I've arranged them to tell my own story!-) Coaster 1![]() The Dutch are just more progressive, especially for 1988. I not sure any other country, even today, could get a way with scene on a coaster. The caption literally translated is "You also have two biscuits with your coffee?" Funny in any context but it takes on a whole new meaning when paired with this illustration. Coaster 2![]() It seems the Dutch take their coffee ownership pretty seriously. Don't make this mistake the next time you are in Amsterdam. Literally translated as "Hands off my coffee, pal." Coaster 3![]() Then the ending. Or is it? Literally translated as "Darling, can I go? My coffee calls." ![]() This was some sort of a contest. The back of each coaster has a speech balloon and instructions to write the next passage and if your entry is one of the 101 they choose you will receive a silver pendent shaped like a coffee bean with an emerald. That sounds like a pretty good prize, unfortunately the contest ended 23 years ago Now it is your turn! I won't be giving away a silver coffee bean pendant with an emerald but I will be giving away a very nice, heavy duty denim apron with a fancy hop graphic that I designed. How to enter:
1. In the comments below re-write a caption for ONE of the coasters but make it beer related! Be sure to indicate which coaster you are commenting on/about. 2. I will choose 5 captions that I like the best on Friday, March 2, 2012 at noon PST. 3. I will then re-post the 5 winning captions in a new post for people to vote on. This is good time enlist your friend network(s) to do your bidding as the caption that receives the most votes will win the apron! Voting will end March 7th, 2012 at noon PST. 4. Good Luck! |
May 2018