From here on out, I will be posting the team/brewery match ups each week for you to help pick the superior brewery. Just to be clear, these polls have nothing to do with the athletic or strategic ability of any NFL team. You are to vote on which brewery you think has the best beers. Pretty simple. The polls will close before each game and at the end of each week I will recap the predictive abilities of these polls.
Each week I will be searching for any interesting brewery match ups and offering at least one beer and half time food pairing suggestion. If you have beer and food pairing suggestion for any game feel free to offer them up in the comment section for each game.
![]() AFC representative breweries AFC West Denver Broncos: Great Divide Brewing Co. (@greatdividebrew @Denver_Broncos) Kansas City Chiefs: Boulevard Brewing Co. (@Boulevard_Beer @kcchiefs) Oakland Raiders: Pacific Coast Brewing Co. (@PCBOAKLAND @RAIDERS) San Diego Chargers: Green Flash Brewing Co. (@GreenFlashBeer @chargers) AFC South Houston Texans: Karbach Brewing Co. (@karbachbrewing @HoustonTexans) Indianapolis Colts: Brugge Brasserie (@BruggeBrasserie @nflcolts) Jacksonville Jaguars: Intuition Ale Works (@IntuitionAle @jaguarsinsider) Tennessee Titans: Fat Bottom Brewing(@FatBottomBrews @tennesseetitans) AFC North Baltimore Ravens: Heavy Seas Beer (@HeavySeasBeer @Ravens) Cincinnati Bengals: Rivertown Brewing Co. (@RivertownBrew @Bengals) Cleveland Browns: Great Lakes Brewing Co. (@GLBC_Cleveland @OfficialBrowns) Pittsburgh Steelers: East End Brewing Co. (@EastEndBrewing @steelers) AFC East Buffalo Bills: Flying Bison Brew Co. (@flyingbison @buffalobills) Miami Dolphins: Abbey Brewing Co. (@AbbeyBrewingMIA @MiamiDolphins) New England Patriots: Harpoon Brewing Co. (@harpoon_brewery @Patriots) New York Jets: Brooklyn Brewing Co. (@BrooklynBrewery @nyjets) | ![]() NFC representative breweries NFC West Arizona Cardinals: The Phoenix Ale Brewery (@phxalebrewery @AZCardinals) San Francisco 49ers: 21st Amendment (@21stAmendment @49ers) St. Louis Rams: Schlafly (@Schlafly @STLouisRams) Seattle Seahawks: Elysian Brewing Co. (@elysianbrewing @Seahawks) NFC South Atlanta Falcons: Red Brick Brewing Co. (@RedBrickBrewing @Atlanta_Falcons) Carolina Panthers: Kind Beers Brewing (@kindbeers @Panthers) New Orleans Saints: Crescent City Brewhouse(@Saints crescentcitybrewhouse.com) Tampa Bay Buccaneers: Tampa Bay Brewing Co. (@TBBCo @TBBuccaneers) NFC North Chicago Bears: Goose Island Brewing Co (@GooseIsland @ChicagoBears) Detroit Lions: Motor City Brewing Works (@MotorCityBeer @DetroitLionsNFL) Green Bay Packers: Hinterland Brewery (@hinterlandbeer @packers) Minnesota Vikings: Surly Brewing Co.(@surlybrewing @VikingsFootball) NFC East Dallas Cowboys: Deep Ellum brewing Co. (@deepellumbrewco @dallascowboys) New York Giants: Brooklyn Brewing Co (@BrooklynBrewery @Giants) Philadelphia Eagles: Philadelphia Brewing Co. (@PhillyBrewing @Eagles) Washington Redskins: 3 Stars Brewing Co. (@3starsbrewing @Redskins) |