I will be picking the winner for that pair of tickets at noon on 5/9/14 (PST). If you don't win tomorrow don't worry too much because you'll have two more chances to win! I will be giving away another pair on 5/16/14 and 5/23/14.
1. Tell everyone what your favorite wine or beer is in the comment section below.
2. You need to fill in all the forms (favorite beer/wine and e-mail) or you will not be considered.
3. You have until 11:59 AM (PST) on May 9, 2014 to enter. Any entries after that time will not be considered.
4. That's it. Next week's giveaway will require more work on your part!
How to win:
1. It is all luck.
2. I will pick a random number and count through the entries until I reach the number.
1. You may not win more than once.