It was many years later that I actually read the book (which is one of my top 5 books ever -SK owns at least 2 of those top spots), but I love both versions of this story. This story has had such a big impact on me that you could say "No beer and no TV make" .... oh wait that is from another one of my favorite versions.
As for the beers I couldn't pick just one for this movie, so I went with an Oregon (the home of the movie hotel) and a Colorado (the actual setting of the movie/book) beer. The Abyss is a beer I would want with me if I ever decide to chase anyone through a frozen hedge maze or battle demonic topiary animals, for that matter. It'll keep you from getting frost-cicles on your face. The second beer, from Colorado's Oskar Blues Brewery, is an homage to the elevator scene. It's not quite blood red but G'Knight's an Imperial Red, which is close enough.
Also, don't skip the tribute trailer below, it is so well done that you may not have to watch the full feature version again.