So, what you have here is part 1 of two bonus episodes. In this episode Jason and I taste the BIG 3 lights/lites and try to commit their flavors to memory so we can identify them in a blind taste.
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Examples: Bud Light, Miller Light, Sam Adams Light
Serving Temp: 35°- 40°
Glassware: Pilsner
Evaluation Notes: Keystone Light
Aroma: Grainy, husky with just a hint malt; cweet corn aroma covers up any hops that are present.
Appearance: Pale golden and crystal clear. Short lived white head with tight small to medium bubbles.
Flavor: Crisp and dry with slight cornlike sweetness. Little hop flavor, bitterness and aftertaste. Even balanced and no faults for the style.
Mouthfeel: Refreshing carbonation, very much like carbonated water with a slight carbonic bite and light body.
Food Pairings: They are good for washing the savory flavors off the palate.