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1. Grilled (charcoal style) meats.
2. Spicy cashew or peanut sauces/entrees.
3. Game bird.

Other Commercial Examples: Alaskan Smoked Porter, Rogue Smoke, Oskar Blues Old Chub, Left Hand Smoke Jumper
Serving Temp: Variable, based on style (45°- 55°)
Glassware: Variable, based on ABV
Appearance: Dark, dark brown/black with fantastic lacing left rings after each sip.
Aroma: Smoke, chocolate, caramel, coffee and hints of malt
Flavor: Smokey malt (mild and not overpowering) with chocolate and coffee at first, with just a touch of hop bitterness towards the finish.
Mouthfeel: Full flavored with a medium light body